by Wobbe F. Koning

An empty room. Rusty Wood enters, alone.
Finds a throne, makes himself at home.
Knock, knock, who's there?
Will the intruder challenge him for his chair?

Stop Motion in times of Covid, created with junk in a basement.


View Trailer: Vimeo

View Animation: Vimeo | YouTube

Running Time: 3 min. 43 sec.

Animation & Sound Design by Wobbe F. Koning

Using audio from
Sound Recordings by bolkmar |  ChazzRavenelle |  choplin CGEffex (light-bulb-pops.wav, CC BY 3.0) |  Doctor_Jekyll GlenCurtisAdams
High-Tec |  Hotlavaman Joao Janz |  Ludovic Kierasinski |  Mafon2 |  ryanlouis tangotango1 |  ultradust

Here is a test I created for this animation: Something Has Come Between Us


Craft Prize in Music
The 52nd Annual ASIFA-East Animation Awards, Queens, NY, June2, 2022

Best Experimental Animation
Jersey Shore Film Festival
, Ashbury Park, NJ, November 4-21, 2021

Special Mention, Short Films Section
4th Amazing Shorts & Movies! Film Festival, Madrid, Spain, January 17-22, 2022

Gallery Show

Animation as Art, Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, March - Aug 2024


11th StopTrik International Film Festival, Maribor, Slovenija, September 29 - October 3, 2021

Sound And Vision International Film & Technology Festival, New York, NY, September 25-26, 2021

Revolutions per Minute festival, Boston, MA, October 15-24, 2021

Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival, Istanbul, Turkey, November 12-21, 2021