New Animation: Planet B
Just in time for the Holidays, I finished my latest animation project. It is a haunting tale of rising floodwaters, based on an actual nightmare.
Best Demo Award @ IEEE GEM 24
I had a great time attending the IEEE CTSoc Conference on Gaming, Entertainment and Media (GEM 2024), in Turin (Torino), Italy. I was humbled to receive the Best Demo Award for my VR Experience Inviting Motion.
Boom -> Bust @ Syn·the·sis
Boom -> Bust (Vicious Cycles #1) is included in Syn•the•sys: digital craft, which will be on display in the Hayloft Gallery at the Floyd Art Center in Floyd, Virginia. The show was juried by Frankie Flood.
Demo at IEEE GEM 2024
Inviting Motion has been accepted as a demo for the IEEE CTSoc Gaming, Entertainment and Media (IEEE GEM) conference, which will take place June 5-7, in Turin, Italy.
5th Istanbul Experimental Film Festival
My animation Light Play (Vicious Cycles #3) has been included in the 5th Istanbul Experimental Film Festival which takes place May 8 through 12 in Istanbul, Türkiye.
Objects of Animation included in Texas Exhibition
Object that were used in the creation of my stop motion animations are included in the exhibition Animation as Art: A Multisensory Experience at the Museum of Texas Tech University.
Version 1.5b
I created a new build of my VR experience VR.Con.Sequence. Added a nuclear option so users do not get stuck.
Inviting Motion @ Monmouth
Wednesday, November 8, Raven Serenity Glover will be joining me to present the project at Monmouth University.
Show at Eastern Michigan University
VR.Con.Sequence and Light Play are included in Light X Time: animation & gaming technology in the Ford Gallery, Ypsilanti, Michigan.