Since MSU switched to Maya in the fall of 2009, these pages have not been updated
and Wobbe F. Koning moved on to Monmouth University in the Fall of 2014


This technique, also know as Shape Animation / Shape Blending, enable you to deform an object from one shape to another. The principle is simple: you have a base shape (the undeformed state) anda target shape. By deterimining a percentage, for instance by pulling on a slider, you can by smoothly interpolate between the two shapes: the points of the object will move from the positions they are in for the base shape, to the positions of the corresponding points on the target shape.

For this to work the base object and the target need to have

LightWave actually accepts objects with different topology, but the resulting morph can be irratic and is probably not very useful

Creating a basic morph  | Creating more complex morphs using LW "Endomorphs"

Creating a basic morph

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Creating more complex morphs using LW "Endomorphs"

LightWave also has a more sophicated method for shape animation. The morph shapes in this case are not stored as spearate objects, but within the same object as EndoMorphs. Endomorphs are vertex maps, which means that the values are stored per vertex (=point).

These vertex maps are like the weight maps used for bone deformations, the difference being that not a single weight value is stored, but the three coordinates of the new position of the point. This new coordinate can be stored as an absolute value or as a (vector) value that represents the relative amount the point has to move to get from its position in the base shape to the position in the target (or Endomorph) shape.

To create an Endomorph:

One little caveat: if you add Endomorphs to your model you might need to add the Morph Mixer again to have its slider show up

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Knock yourself out and create some artistic morphs!

You can also look at some op the other deformers in the list under Add Displacement.
Deform: Bend is a relative easy one to start with. You will need to create another object to control the bend, use a Null for this.
If you get stuck, may I suggest to RTFM*?

* Read That Fine Manual

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