Some notes on rendering fur with SasLite
How to set it up
- In modeler. select the polygons where you want the fur to appear, and give it assign a surface to it (q).
- In Layout, select your the object, open the properties window (p). In the deform tab, under Add Displacement choose SasLite.
- Open the propertiew window for the plugin (double click on the name, or choose Edit > Properties next to the Add Displacement button.
- In this Sasquatch Lite properties window, check Apply fur only to named surfaces
- type the name of the surface you want to have fur appear on in the field Surface name('s). The green number just above it should change (from 0/2 to 1/2 if your object has two surfaces assigned to it and you want fur to appear on just one)
How to render it
In order to render the fur generated by the SasLite plugin, you need to add an image processing filter. The fur is rendered as a post-process.
- Opent the Image Procerssing window. You can find it in the menu's on the left of the screen, under Windows or just hit CTRL-F8. This will open up the Effects window, with the Processing Tab selected
- Choose SasLite under Add Pixel Filter
And the fur should render. Of course it does not give you half as much control as using guide hairs, and the with full version of the plugin you have many more controls to adjust the look
- SasLite Tutorial on the Newtek site
- SaLite / Sasquatch comparison - Lightwave 7 and with Japanese screenshots
- SasLite is described in the manual (Layout.pdf, located in "c:\Program Files\Newtek\Lightwave\Documentation") on pages 206 - 219.